I discuss technical turfgrass topics with turfgrass managers, scientists, greenkeepers, and whoever drops by the ATC office hours. There's a lot of talk about the work done to create playing surfaces for golf, and also about growing grass for sporting surfaces of all sort, and also some talk of lawns.
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Firm bentgrass greens and OM management with Richard Forsyth
Richard Forsyth is the director of courses at Royal Melbourne Golf Club. We discussed playing conditions, maintenance work, and grass types in relation to production o...

Latest Episodes
2024 #OM246 review with Chris Tritabaugh
Join me, along with Chris Tritabaugh from Hazeltine National GC, as we review autumn soil test results. We especially look at the #OM246 total organic material results...

ATC Office Hours: growth ratio, measurement units, & turf math with Jason Haines & Bjarni Hannesson
Jason and Bjarni joined me to talk about some useful turfgrass math, especially the turfgrass growth ratio, which you can read more about at https://www.asianturfgras...

Autumn #OM246 review with "the guy who doesn't do maintenance Mondays"
For the third consecutive autumn, Chris Tritabaugh joined me to review the OM246 (total organic material by depth) test results from the greens at Hazeltine National G...

Firm bentgrass greens and OM management with Richard Forsyth
Richard Forsyth is the director of courses at Royal Melbourne Golf Club. We discussed playing conditions, maintenance work, and grass types in relation to production o...

Championship conditions discussion with Eric Johnson and MLSN, ClipVol, & OM246
Eric Johnson joined from his office at Chambers Bay to discuss everyday golfing conditions, championship playing surfaces, and workflow using techniques such as clippi...